Quote of the Week

The unexamined life is not worth living

Great song, great video is actually a stretch. The song is good but it doesn't compare to FF5's earlier work (or even some of their other new songs actually). And the video is well, kind of cheap. BUT the choreography is killer. It makes me smile every time I watch. Who can't resist a good break dance fight?!
Just got back from an amazing show tonight.

I'm not going to describe their sounds because honestly, you just need to trust me when I say they're all fucking sick, and you need to check them out.

Dear All TIme Low...Sincerely, Concerned Parent.

I find this ridiculous personally. These are twenty something year old guys on stage, they can say whatever the hell they want. They shouldn't have to censor themselves just because some fourteen year old has virgin ears. And quite frankly, these are teenagers we're talking about! Do you know how many dirty conversations kids have in school? A Lot. And as for profanity, a kid can watch TV at this very moment and hear the word bitch about five times. Hell, I started swearing in the sixth grade. This is nothing new to them. You know, hearing stuff like this-I don't know what parents expect it to do to their kids. Do they think it's going to corrupt them? Are they going to lose all the manners they've taken years to learn? No it's not. If you've taught your children well, they aren't going to go around saying "Fuck you and fuck this" to their teachers just because they heard their favorite singer say it on stage.

Audio Quest

So apparently Lights has been doing this comic book video series thing on MTV for a week or so now. I'm actually not much of a fan of Lights-She's a decent singer (in a high pitched, pre-puberty kind of way) but I just never really got into her music. After seeing her face all over MTV.com though, I decided to check out one of her episodes and actually, it's kind of cool. Nothing like this has ever really been done before (I'm not counting Fall Out Boy) and come one, who can't resist a good comic? I haven't watched all the episodes but basically, the main character (captain Lights) fights off bad guys with the power of music. Her music is streamed throughout the duration of the episode as well. I must say, this is a great way to market herself-I'm sure she's gotten quite a bit of myspace hits because of it. I probably won't watch anymore episodes, but it's worth seeing at least one.

This Time Next Year- Road Maps and Heart Attacks
Converge- Axe to Fall
Camera Can't Lie- Days & Days EP
Alec Ounsworth- Mo Beauty
Apse- Climb Up
Atlas Sound- Logos
Electric Six- KILL
Fang Island- Fang Island
Flight of the Conchords- I Told You I Was Freaky
Old Canes- Feral Harmonic
Russian Circles- Geneva
Themselves- Crowns Down
As you all probably know, Sunday night was the Op Presents Boys Like Girls tour...

Unfortunately, I missed pretty much all of VersaEmerge's set. I did get to catch the last song, and from what I heard, it was pretty decent. I need to see them again to fully make up my mind about them though.

I've been dying to see A Rocket to the Moon for some time now. I wasn't really a fan of their music in the band's early stage (the earlier music was more electronic based-think Owl City). But ever since Greeting From... debuted, I've been a big fan. I wasn't able to see much of the band (I was sitting down, for some reason it didn't occur to me to STAND UP) so I can only really base their performance off of sound alone. Frankly, it wasn't the greatest performance. Nick, the lead vocalist, wasn't always consistent with his pitches. Songs like Mr. Right, were clearly way out of his range and he struggled trying to reach the high notes. The band was personable with the crowd though-which is a very important factor in terms of a good performance. As far as their energy is concerned, I have to cut them some slack because three of the four members aren't able move around a lot (the lead singer also plays rhythm guitar, the lead guitarist has a lot of back-up vocals, and the drummer, well, is drumming) If they could find a way to be more amped up, along with better note accuracy, they would make for a must-see performance. In any case, I'm impatiently waiting for their next Chicago performance.

The Maine is by far one of my favorite bands. I honestly just can't get enough of them (I couldn't put down Can't Stop, Won't Stop for months). And as far as this genre goes, they're probably one of the better bands to see live. There's so much character and spontaneity in their performances, and not just in the lead singer (who, by the way has an amazing stage presence), but all of them. The bassist, Garret, literally bounced around the stage like a beast for their entire 30 minute set (you'll see what I mean in the video). I value playmenship in a performance (which they always deliver on) but I more so value a band's personality-and The Maine never holds back.

Let me just say, Gabe Saporta knows how to work a damn stage. But I wasn't overly impressed with Cobra on sunday-I'm not saying it was a bad performance, it's just that I've seen everything they have to offer before. Sure, the set list was different but if you've seen Gabe dance once, you've seen him dance a million times.

As I was watching the stage crew set up for Boys Like Girls, I couldn't help think to myself, "Who the hell do these kids think they are?" The stage they put together looked fit for a performance by the Jonas Brothers or Fall Out Boy. I know they're the headliners, but I just feel like Boys Like Girls has a little too much confidence in themselves...a couple of videos and a segment on MTV doesn't make you the shit. I was further baffled when they opened their set with their latest single, Love Drunk. I thought it was performance 101 that you save your  most popular song for last...Even if Love Drunk isn't their most popular song, you just don't open your set with your most recent song. I ended up not staying to watch the rest of their set, but the times that I have seen them, they've always put on a good show so I'm sure Sunday night was no different.

All in all, it was a good show but not worth the thirty bucks I payed to go. As much as I love these bands and their music, it's gotten a bit old. I've seen all of them (with the exception of ARTTM) on several occasions, heard them perform the same songs-and it's just not new anymore. Of course there were other factors that played into the night, but I think if it had truly been a great show, it would've cancelled out all the other shit.

By the way, these videos are from other people who were at the show
My apologies-it's been three days since my last post! The past couple of days have been busy, busy, busy. If you haven't picked up on it by now, I am a full-time student so there'll be times when I won't have enough time to post anything. I'm going to try my best to at least do a post a day, no promises though!

Now, back to business...

Great Song. Great Video

Release Date: October 16th
Starring: Penn Badgley, Dylan Walsh, Sela Ward, Amber Heard
Rating: D-

The basics: Angsty teenage son tries to convince everyone that there's something wrong with mom's new fiancee for an hour and some odd minutes.

I had already set myself up to be dissapointed with this movie. But the trailer just looked so damn good, I had to see it. WORST ELEVEN BUCKS EVER SPENT. I was un-impressed within the first five minutes . It's lacks originality in every possibly way. I can't even count how many movies I've seen where there's the doubty wife who won't believe that her boyfriend or whatever is psycho and when the son/friend/daughter/whatever tries to tell everyone the truth, no one believes them. What's worse, is that nothing remotely interesting happens until the last 15 minutes of them film, which by that point I was so bored that I was immune to all the action. The Stepfather is officially the worst movie this fall, and of the year quite frankly. Please, take my advice, don't waste your time.

Name: Dr. Manhattan
Location: Wauconda, IL
Sound: indie funk thrash

Yep, Dr. Manhattan isn't just a superhero with blue balls (no pun intended), it's also a band. I haven't decided though whether I prefer starring at Dr. Manhattan's dick for three hours or listening to the band... As far as their music is concerned, there isn't much to say. They're a mixture of funk, rock, and electronic, which as generic as that sounds-it's a sound not like your typical indie quartet. In the best way possible, Dr. Manhattan tunes are particularly eerie. Not in the emo, hot topic sense, but in the indie horror flick sense. It's rather intriguing actually. Plain and simple though, Dr. Manhattan is music fit for any tattooed, parliment smokin, vintage bicyle ridin, tight jeans, flannel shirt wearin hipster. 

There's something that bothers me about Boys Like Girls. Don't get me wrong, I liked a lot of the songs off their first album. But for some reason I have this huge contempt for them. I can't even explain it. I don't know, maybe it's the fact that the lead singer, Martin, looks like a fucking meth addict. Maybe it's because I don't believe they should be as mainstream as they are (sorry, but their songs are mediocre at best) Whatever it is, I'm not going to let it stop me from enjoying tomorrow's show ::school girl scream::

Well all know college is expensive. Between tuition, textbooks, rent, transportation, and general leisure, there's not much money left over for the most important neccessity of all: food. Which is why Ramen Noodles is a saviour among college students. It's delicious, it's filling (for the most part), and extremely inexpensive (a 6 pack costs a dollar and some change at your local jewel). Unfortunately, Ramen Noodles also lacks any type of nutrional value and is PACKED with sodium. One serving size (half a block with a packet of seasoning) is equal to 35% of your daily sodium intake. For those who don't know, sodium=BAD. But, never fear scholars, there is a way to keep eating your beloved noodles AND stay healthy.
  1. Cook noodles according to packet instructions
  2. Once the noodles are cooked-DRAIN THE WATER. You don't have to drain all of it, but you should drain most. You can use a fork as a barrier so your noodles don't fall out.
  3. After draining, add half a packet of seasoning and mix thoroughly. Most of the salt is in the seasoning, which is why you should only use half (don't worry, it'll be enough) Make sure you distribute the seasoning evenly or else some of your strands will be extra salty.
Now. even after doing this, ramen noodles still aren't best thing to eat on a regular basis. But,  if you have no choice but to live off it (like myself), at least you won't be completely ruining your health.

Great Song. Great Video

LA ROUX 'BULLETPROOF' from soyo on Vimeo.

Lady Gaga's Monster Ball Tour

After Andy Warhol, I find Lady Gaga to be the most interesting and intriguing person ever. Do I think she's the most talented person? Vocally? Hell no. To be honest, Just Dance annoyed the shit out of me. But my god, is she one hell of a performer. (DID YOU SEE HER VMA PERFORMANCE?!) Which is why you better believe the Monster Ball tour isn't going to be anything less than spectacular.

Nov. 27: Montreal, Quebec (The Bell Center)
Nov. 28: Toronto, Ontario (Air Canada Center)
Nov. 29: Ottawa, Ontario (Scotiabank Place)
Dec. 1-2: Boston, Mass. (Wang Center)
Dec. 3: Camden, N.J. (Susquehanna Bank Center)
Dec. 9-10: Vancouver, B.C. (Queen Elizabeth Theatre)
Dec. 13: San Francisco, Calif. (Bill Graham Civic Auditorium)
Dec. 18: Las Vegas, Nev. (TBD)
Dec. 19: San Diego, Calif. (San Diego Sports Arena)
Dec. 21: Los Angeles, Calif. (Nokia Theatre)
Dec. 29: Atlanta, Ga. (The Fox Theatre)
Dec. 31: Miami, Fla. (James L. Knight Center)
Jan. 3: Orlando, Fla. (Hard Rock Live)
Jan. 7: St. Louis, Mo. (The Fox Theatre)
Jan. 8-9: Chicago, Ill. (The Chicago Theatre)
Jan. 12: Detroit, Mich. (The Fox Theatre)
Jan. 16: Atlantic City, N.J. (Borgata)
Jan. 20-21: New York, N.Y. (Radio City Music Hall)

 Don't Let Her Pull You Down-New Found Glory

If You Like...

If You Like Kings of Leon, You'll Probably Like:

Name: Titus Andronicus
Location: Glen Rock, NJ
Sound: Indie Punk Rock

Let's face it, punk just ain't what it used to be. I find myself preferring to hear Henry Rollins scream into a shitty recording mic for sixty seconds then listen to these kids from white suburbia thinking they know what punk is. Just because your drummer refuses to switch up his rhythms doesn't mean your band is punk rock.What I've come to realize though, is that it's not necessarily the sound of the band that makes them punk- sometimes it's the content rather, that makes them punk. Titus Andronicus is the prime example of this. From first listen, their music sounds like the soundtrack to the next breakout indie flick (which will most likely star ellen page). But take a closer listen, and you hear all the same angst and frustration that young Henry Rollins was preaching about some thirty years ago. Titus Andronicus is raw and dirty, "believing only in nothingness" With lyrics like "No one cares what I've got to say anymore/I didn't come here to be damned with faint praise/I'll write my masterpiece some other day (Fuck everything, fuck me)", this is probably the realest band you'll probably ever listen to.

I am not strange, I am just not normal.
I'm not gonna lie, talent wise, Cobra Starship sucks ass. Out of the three full length lps they've released, only one is actually worthy of listening to (Viva La Cobra). And now that frontman, Gabe Saporta, has had surgery on his vocal chords (learn how to sing properly next time dear Gabriel), his singing is worst than it was a year ago. But, despite the fact that they are 500 other bands that should've had a record deal before Cobra, seeing Cobra Starship live is a whole other experience. To put it simply, they'll blow your shit away. I'll never forget the first time I saw them, I was in awe. And every time I see them, they never cease to amaze me.

Great Song. Great Video

I Cut Like a Buffalo- The Dead Weather

Jack White is a BEAST.

OP Presents Countdown: Versaemerge

I said a few blogs ago that I didn't give two shits about this band...and I still really don't. But after watching this video, I'm planning on giving them a fighting chance to win me over come Sunday night.  I was reading the comments posted for this video and it was pretty much a debate over how VersaEmerge doesn't sound like Paramore. Can I just say I'm so sick of hearing about shit like this? No one fucking cares. They sound alike get over it, stop trying to defend it. No one said they sound the same, they just said they sound ALIKE. Meaning the two are somewhat related, but still have their own unique, different sounds. No, the vocals aren't the same-but if you lowered Sierra's voice (VersaEmerge) down an octave, you bet your ass you'd have the voice of Haley Williams (Paramore) Big fucking deal. People just need to get used to the idea that every fucking emo pop-punk whatever type band that has a female vocalist is going to get compared to Paramore.
Percussion Gun-White Rabbits

If you've never listened to White Rabbits, I highly recommend them. They're pretty much the shit.

Name: Perfect People
Location: London, UK
Sound: Indie Pop with hints of electric

BRITISH INVASION!!!! Yes! Any musician from England is ok in my book. I have yet to hear one shitty english band (I'm sure they exist, and I'm probably just not looking hard enough but still, the majority kick ass). Ok, take Luke Pritchard's (The Kooks) vocals, combine that with the popiest song you can think of (ok maybe not the popiest...but think bubblegum pop) and you have Perfect People. Sounds great doesn't it? Perfect People music manages to be cool, calm, and collected while giving you the urge to walk down the street passing out lollipops.
Oh yeah, you can also dowload their ep for free off their page (yay free legal downloading!)

The day has come! (well technically a week ago but whatever) Vampire Weekend has released the first track off their up-coming album, Contra. The song, entitled Horchata, is Vampire Weekend at their best. I love how unique their sound is. It has this world music vibe meets cape cod. And they always manage to use the most amazing string instrumentation. Considering how great their debut album was, I'm thoroughly stoked about their sophomore release.

 Oh, I forgot to mention-you can download the new single off the band's website for free

10 One-Man Bands You've Probably Never Heard Of

What's with all the one-man electro pop bands? Seriously, it's like a movement. A really sucky, unnecessary movement. Yet, somehow I've managed to pick out 10 bands that seem to be pretty decent. Frankly though, as good as some of these guys may be, all this electro shit sounds the same to me.

Sail By the Stars

Name: Chromeo
Location: Montreal/New York
Sound: Electric Disco Funk

 All I can say is be ready to bust out some serious dance moves.

Chromeo - Fancy Footwork from Chromeo1 on Vimeo.

Heroin addicts at their finest.

Fireflies by Owl City

I think everyone can agree with me when I say American Apparel is the shit. My hoody from AA is the softest, most comfortable, long lasting sweatshirt I've ever had the pleasure of owning. It's not even just the hoody, all of their products are amazing. Unfortunately, they're also hella expensive. One basic v-neck t-shirt costs 20 dollars. I don't know about anyone else, but 20 bucks is an awful lot to spend on a t-shirt without so much as a freakin logo on it. I used to convince myself it was worth it, "This is a quality basic t-shirt!". Well, pardon my french, but fuck that. No longer will I pay such ridiculous prices. Enter ebay user tuffy_mcpuggles. Whoever this ebayer is, they are a genius. Courtesy of tuffy, you can buy all your American Apparel needs for half the price. On top of the slashed prices, tuffy offers package deals! A 3 pack of fleece AA hoodies will only cost you $60 dollars. My jaw literally dropped when I saw this.  It just can't get better than that (can it?) It sounds too good to be true, I know. But this is the real deal, I wouldn't be telling you if it wasn't.

Good, Legal Fun

Alright, if you haven't figured it out by now, I'm all about getting music for free, legally. Fuse.tv is another great means for achieving this. The site features songs from various artists and allows you to download them, free of charge. You might find, like UO's listen mixes, some of the music is a bit obscure (depending on how big of a music knowledge you have) but like I said before, it's way better to download music that you've never listened to for free then pay for it and end up not liking it. They change which artists are featured on a regular basis, so seize the opportunity and start downloading!

Name: Semi Precious Weapons
Location: Brooklyn, NY
Sound: Rock n' Roll

Ok, take Jeffree Star, then add some talent into the mix, and you've got Semi Precious Weapons. To give you another visual reference of what you're in store for, it's like Jack Black's character from School of Rock went to a rave. Or better yet, just imagine Dr. Frank-N-Furter from Rocky Horror in a rock band. Plain and simple, Semi Precious Wepaons is a straight up rock n roll band but in the most mesmerizing, awesome way possible. Lyrics like "I can't pay my rent, but I'm fucking gorgeous" turn them from just another AC/DC wannabe into a band to look out for in the coming years. They're just that good. After listening to all the tracks on their myspace, all I could say was "Fuck Yeah!"-nuff said.
In three words I can sum up everything I've learned about life: it goes on.
 -Robert Frost

Name: You, Me and Everyone We Know
Location: Washington D.C
Sound: pop punk indie rock

You, Me and Everyone We Know is exactly what I look for in a quality pop punk band. Well written lyrics, catchy hooks, and soulful vocals- just can't get any better than that. Songs like Livin Th' Dream and Colorful Language are powerful, up-beat, and unbelievably infectious. As vague as that is, there's not much more to say than that. You, Me and Everyone We Know is just pure awesomeness; bottom line.
Since Paramore is playing House of Blues tonight, it's only appropriate that I do a blog dedicated to them. So here's the video for their first single, Ignorance, off their new album, Brand New Eyes.

iTunes Top 10

Songs I listen to the most:
(in order)

  1. One of Those Nights--The Cab
  2. 20 Dollar Nose Bleed--Fall Out Boy
  3. Dakota--A Rocket to the Moon
  4. That Green Gentleman (Things Have Changed)--Panic! At the Disco
  5. Don't Forget--Demi Lovato
  6. I Must Be Dreaming--The Maine
  7. Kiss My Sass--Cobra Starship
  8. If They Only Knew--A Rocket to the Moon
  9. The Way We Talk--The Maine
  10. Naive--The Kooks

 Name: Maps and Atlases
Location: Chicago, IL
Sound: indie french pop....music appropriate for UO, basically

Wow, what's with me and Chicago bands lately? What can I say, we've got a great music scene. I'm not going to bother writing a description about Maps and Atlases though. I'd rather just let you watch them live and decide from that if you like them (plus I'm in a video kind of mood). Enjoy.

Maps and Atlases - Pigeon from If You Make It on Vimeo.
Company of Thieves is playing Logan Square tonight. Wish I could have gone but being the penniless college student that I am, I couldn't afford to spare the money. ::sigh:: Maybe next time. Here's the official video for Company of Thieves' first single off their new album, Ordinary Riches.



Personally, I like the original, even if everyone else seems to hate it. I love how simplistic it is, but still captures the feel of the song. People often forget that sometimes less is better...

Formula for Living

My formula for living is quite simple. I get up in the morning and I go to bed at night. In between, I occupy myself as best I can.

-Carey Grant

Name: I Fight Dragons
Location: Chicago, IL
Sound: Pac Man meets alternative

When I read I Fight Dragons was influenced by Nintendo, I was expecting to hear something appropriate for a babycakes party. But they're so much more than that. They've somehow managed to fuse background music from something you'd hear out of Super Mario Bros. and pure rock instrumentation together, in the most non-cheesy way possible. Songs like Money, are jammed packed with hard guitar riffs, intricate drum beats, and intense bass chords with hints of classic video game melodies. It's pretty impressive actually. I strongly suggest buying they're debut EP "Cool is Just a Number", I know I will be.
Every month, Urban Outfitters puts out a compilation of music for listeners to stream and download, free of charge. Each mix is 25 tracks in length and showcases well-known and up and coming indie musicians. LSTN #7, which just came out this week, includes music from The XX, White Denim, Rain Machine and the Dodos. I love these-they don't always feature music I'd listen to on a regular basis but it's great opportunity to build your iTunes library and your musical knowledge without having to spend money.  So check it out!

 Hot in Here-Nelly
Heard this on the radio today. This used to be the jam in 8th grade! Whatever happened to Nelly?
I never hear about him anymore.

Anil Gupta

I've had a deep appreciation for tattoos for some time now. People can criticize all they want on how people just get them because they look cool. Well yeah, they do, but they're also a form of expression and art. Yes, a lot of tattoos suck ass and are generally stupid, but there's a huge population of people with amazing works of art etched into their skin. Sure, it's permanent and you just might regret that full back piece you got when you're seventy but WHO CARES. Who the hell thinks that far ahead into the future? Seriously, there's no way of knowing what views you'll have, the things you'll like, the things you'll regret when you're seventy. It's important to look to the future and plan but it's also important to live in the moment-NOW. And besides, when you're seventy, wrinkly, and maybe a little crazy-you're going to have one bad-ass story to tell to your grand-kids.

Check out this insanely amazing tattoo artist. I'm no expert on what makes a great tattoo-I don't even have tattoos. But I know enough to see that this is one sick tattooer. 


Name: Mansions
Location: Louisville, KY
Myspace: http://www.myspace.com/mansions
Sound: Indie/Alternative/Rock

When I first heard Mansions, I wasn't immediately smitten. The music isn't really something that sounded new and unique to me. Combine The Honorary Title, Conor O'Berst, and maybe a dash of Death Cab and you basically have Mansions. But yet, there's something generically original about them. Mansions does the whole indie vibe twined into the hooks of their music but with an edge to it. Songs like The Worse Part combine mellow, low key vocals with hard, gritty guitar riffs. Sure, there have been other bands to create this sound (None come to mind right now, but I know there's others) but bottom line, it sounds good, so who gives a shit if someone else did it. Like I said before, I'm not totally ecstatic about Mansions and don't plan on telling the whole world about them (even though, I kind of am right now) but for those times when you want something mellow, something different, something that doesn't sound like a shitty version of the early Fall Out Boy, this is a good band to listen to.

Demi Lovato-Don't Forget
I don't care how many people hate Demi Lovato, I love this song (But of course I do-I seem to love anything written by the Jonas Brothers). I love how simple the rhythm is and how the song is so quiet and timid but then all of a sudden it bursts out into this huge gut wrenching chorus and then dwindles back down again to just vocals and string instrumentation.

Taylor Swift-You Belong With Me
For awhile I hated Taylor Swift's guts. Then I saw this video. We're on good terms now. This song is just so clever. Ok, maybe clever is the wrong word to use-cute is probably a better choice. I can't even begin to explain how great of a sing-along song this is. I can't listen to this song and NOT sing the words. And while it's gotten played out from too much radio time, it's still a great one to listen to every now and then.

Justin Bieber-One Time
What the fuck is it with all the Ryan Sheckler look-alikes?! Ok, I'm usually against teens who've barely gone through puberty having record deals (cough cough DISNEY cough cough). But this kid is just so good! This honestly doesn't sound like the typical 14 yr-old pop song. It's got such a fresh beat and you have to admit, the kid can sing. Not to be a cougar or anything, but he's a little cutie as well. For a pip squeak, he's sure does have a lot of swagger.

Miley Cyrus-Party in the USA
Let's get this straight-I honestly dislike Miley Cyrus. I know I can only say that half-heartedly because I don't actually know her, but I hate the way she's portrayed in the media. Personally, I think she's your typical 17 yr old girl but tries to act way older than she is. I don't give a shit when she says "I'm a human being, I make mistakes". When you know you're by far the BIGGEST teen star today and a role model for MILLIONS of little girls everywhere-you don't make the mistakes that she's made. Sorry if I just trashed your favorite celebrity...But, despite wishing she'd fall off a cliff and break all her disgusting little teeth, I actually like quite a bit of her songs. Party in the USA is by far my favorite. From first listen, I only liked it because it had that feel good vibe to it. But then, I actually took time to fully listen to the lyrics and they're pretty well-written. I'm not gonna lie, the video kind of sucks ass though. Maybe it's just me, but I don't find a 17 yr old dancing around like a slut bag entertaining. Which is weird, considering I grew up watching Britney Spears, Christina Augilera and Jessica Simpson all do the exact same thing...

iTunes Free Video of the Week

For those who don't know, each week iTunes offers a free (no strings attached) video and song. These aren't free songs and videos of no-name crappy musicians either-they're legit. Sure, you're not going to like every song they feature-BUT IT'S FREE.

The free song is located to the left of the page, right under the featured music list.
And the free video is located to the left of the page, right under TV Shows.
All you have to do is click the video/song like you were purchasing it and it downloads into your iTunes free of charge. Sa-WEET!

Now, without further ado, here's the iTunes video of the week:
Hockey-Song Away

Happy Birthday you’re 18
the only thing that means is you’re old enough to strip
Still too young to have a grip...

Song: All For You
Artist: The Secret Handshake

TSH's version:

Mine and my sister's version:

  • Fall of Troy--In the Unlikely Event-  
  • Mayday Parade--Anywhere But Here  
  • Hard Eight--Official 
  • Mission of Burma--The Sound, The Speed, The Light
  • The Years Gone By--Something You Know Nothing About
  • Horse the Band--Desperate Living
  • blessthefall--Witness
  • Lucero--1372 Overton Park
  • Lights--The Listening
  • Inhale Exhale--Bury Me Alive
  • Racing Kites--Right Here, Right Now
  • The Fold--Dear Future, Come Get Me
  • A Place to Bury Strangers--Exploding Head
  • Air--Love 2
  • Eugene Mirman--God is a Twelve-Year Old Boy With Asperger's
  • Headlights--Wildlife
  • Native--Wrestling Moves
  • Nothington--Road, Bridges and Ruins
  • Pepi Ginsberg--East is East
  • Relient K--Forget and Not Slow Down
  • Strike Anywhere--Iron Front
  • The Black Heart Procession--Six
  • The Black Hollies--Softly Towards the Light
  • The Ravonettes--In and Out of Control

Name: Dead on the Dancefloor
Location: San Diego, CA
Myspace: http://www.myspace.com/deadonthedancefloorband
Sound: Progressive Rock Funk

Raise your hand if you love a good bass groove ::frantically waves hand in the air:: Well, Dead on the Dancefloor has got plenty of awesome heavy bass beats. If this band had a dance step dedicated to them, it be a combination of some major head-banging with maybe some disco hand-jive. That sounds like a weird combination, but trust me, it works. Unfortunately, the band is currently on hiatus. I know, I know-why in the world would I feature a band that isn't currently active? Well, not all buzzworthy music has to be of bands that are currently touring. Sure, after listening to them you'll probably get super depressed about the fact that you'll probably never see them live, but that's besides the point...

Aaron Copland

"To stop the flow of music would be like the stopping of time itself, incredible and inconceivable."

Well said Mr. Copland, well said...

Name: Stephen Jerzak
Location: La Crosse, WI
Myspace: http://www.myspace.com/stephenjerzak
Sound: Acoustic Pop

Holy shit, since when did Ryan Sheckler start singing? 
 Lets face it, the indie pop genre can be pretty played out. Where there's a handful of genuinely good indie pop bands, there's also a handful of indie pop bands that sound generic and lame. When you throw acoustic into the mix, complete boredom is almost inevitable. Not with Stephen Jerzak. There's something surprisingly interesting about his music. Maybe it's the fact that all of his songs, even the slower ones, are rather upbeat and optimistic. Maybe it's because he has that typical indie pop voice that makes all the indie pop girls go wet (Think Alex Gaskarth). Or maybe it's because he's just a down-right cutie. Whatever it is, I like it. Even though he remains unsigned, he managed to score a touring spot with Breath Carolina (niceee) Check out his myspace for dates.

While this is first and foremost a music blog, I'm a pretty avid movie goer. So don't be surprised if you see a movie review every now and then.

Release Date: 10/02/09
Starring: Jesse Eisenberg, Woodie Harrelson, Emma Stone, Abagail Breslin
Rating: B-

The Basics: A pansy college student teams up with a macho tough guy, a conniving bitch, and a twelve year old who never had a childhood to kick some Zombie ass. Think Shaun of the Dead without the accents and better action.

I was pretty stoked to see this movie-I'd heard a lot of people saying it kicked ass. They weren't lying. Now, I'm not an expert on zombie films, but this is definitely one of the better ones that I've seen. If this movie was front to back zombie killing action, hands down it'd deserve an A+. Unfortunately, most of the action happens in the beginning and at the end. The middle is filled with mild humor and not-so heart felt moments. And frankly, I'm kind of sick of the whole "I'm awkward but super witty" character. We all saw Superbad, Juno, and Nick and Norah's Infinite Playlist.  I'm surprised they didn't get Micheal Cera to play the role. All in all though, not a bad movie. It's worth seeing in the theater but no big if you wait for the DVD.

Oh, and can I just give a round of applause for the actors who played the zombies? Seriously, great work. Completely stole the show.
