The Stepfather

Release Date: October 16th
Starring: Penn Badgley, Dylan Walsh, Sela Ward, Amber Heard
Rating: D-

The basics: Angsty teenage son tries to convince everyone that there's something wrong with mom's new fiancee for an hour and some odd minutes.

I had already set myself up to be dissapointed with this movie. But the trailer just looked so damn good, I had to see it. WORST ELEVEN BUCKS EVER SPENT. I was un-impressed within the first five minutes . It's lacks originality in every possibly way. I can't even count how many movies I've seen where there's the doubty wife who won't believe that her boyfriend or whatever is psycho and when the son/friend/daughter/whatever tries to tell everyone the truth, no one believes them. What's worse, is that nothing remotely interesting happens until the last 15 minutes of them film, which by that point I was so bored that I was immune to all the action. The Stepfather is officially the worst movie this fall, and of the year quite frankly. Please, take my advice, don't waste your time.


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